Dynamic Sale Category

Installation and User Guide for Magento 1 Dynamic Sale category

Table of Contents

  1. Installation

    • Disable Compilation Mode

    • Upload Package

    • Clear Caches

  2. Product Special Price Set up

    • Product Assigned to Sale Category in the Back-end

  3. Front-end Site View

    • Sale Products on the Category Page


  • Disable Compilation Mode: To check that this is disabled, go to System >Tools> Compilation. If the compiler status is ‘Disabled’, you are ready to go. If not, simply click the ‘Disable’ button on the right hand side of the screen.

  • Upload Package: Upload the content of the module to your root folder. This will not overwrite the existing Magento folder or files, only the new contents will be added.

  • Clear Caches: This can be done from the admin console by navigating to the cache management page (System > Cache Management), selecting all caches, clicking ‘refresh’ from the drop-down menu, and submitting the change.

Configuration Settings for Dynamic Sale category

Go to Admin > Stores > Configuration > Scommerce Configuration > Sale/Offer Category

General Settings

  • Enabled – Select “Yes” or “No” to enable or disable the module.

  • License Key –Please add the license for the extension which is provided in the order confirmation email. Please note license keys are site URL specific. If you require license keys for dev/staging sites then please email us at support@scommerce-mage.com.

  • Category Levels – Choose the category level and save configurations to populate the sale category dropdown. You can then select your desired category where you want to show all the sale products.

  • Sale Category – Choose the sale category created above to show your sale products. This category will then show all the products set up with special price.

Please note – You can set any existing category to be a sale category but this

will then only show sale products and will ignore any other products set up directly in the category itself.

  • Hide Sale Category with no product – Hides sale category from appearing in the navigation if no sale product found.

Product Special Price Set up

As soon as any product is set with valid special price it automatically assigned to category set up for sale/offers in configurations. You can set special price from Admin > Catalog > Manage Products > Select Product > Prices > Special Price.

  • Product Assigned to Sale Category in the Back-end – You can see the Sale Products in the back-end under “Sale/Offers” categories from Admin > Catalog > Manage Categories > Select Category “Sales” > Click on “Products in Category”

Front-end Site View

  • Sale Products on the Category Page – The products with special price will be shown under the category which you have selected from Admin > Stores > Configuration > Sale / Offers category- “Sale”.

If you have a question related to this extension please check out our FAQ Section first. If you can't find the answer you are looking for then please contact support@scommerce-mage.com.

Last updated